2022 January Update - Part 1 (Goodbye Yamaha SG)
Ahoy hoy! Today I get to talk about two things -
1. The Left Handed Squier Vintage Modified Jazz bass is still up for sale for two days - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/255337355151?hash=item3b734ad78f:g:aTYAAOSwWXZh5a-J
2. How to pack a guitar for transporting it!
I have purposefully NOT used a hardcore purpose built guitar box - and the inner one is there pretty to keep it from moving around too much.
Clean it
Detune the strings
Protect the strings
Protect the head
Make sure it can't get scratched
Fill in the voids
More cardboard (look for double walled) - it prevents most knocks really well!
Next week - New Guitar (to me anyway...)
What could it be - send me your guesses!
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